Paper submission


Submission guidelines

A 4 pages abstract should clearly present the importance of the work and specific results.

Authors are requested to upload an electronic file (in PDF) of the summary at

There is not a mandatory template, but authors can refer to this one for their convenience.



12 March 2021 Submission of a 4 pages abstract
21 March 2021 (23h UTC) Extended Submission
6 May 2021 Notification of acceptance for the conference

21 May 2021

26 May 2021


Submission of the 5 to 6 pages final paper for reviewing to the online Elsevier Editorial System (EM)

SUBMISSION IS OPEN. Deadline is extended.

Instructions to submit your paper to EM have been sent.

10 June 2021 Upload of the final paper to the online Elsevier Editorial System (EM)


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